e-Learning som styrverktyg

Alf Westelius (2015) e-Learning som styrverktyg – fångar ni potentialen? Kap 11.8 i Bonnier Ledarskapshandböcker: Ekonomistyrning, Bonnier, Stockholm.

Education and competence

Alf Westelius & Erik Lundmark (2013) Education and competence – an edge in transition? ANZAM 2013 – 27th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Theme: Managing on the Edge, Hobart, Tasmania, 4-6 December 2013.

Priser ut, in och mellan

Nils-Göran Olve, Alf Westelius & Mathias Cöster (2013) Priser ut, in och mellan: Om risktagande, ansvar och prismodeller. In Bonnier Ledarskapshandböcker: Ekonomistyrning 8:8. Stockholm: Bonnier.

Prismodeller som strategiskt verktyg

Nils-Göran Olve, Mathias Cöster, Carl-Johan Petri, Einar Iveroth & Alf Westelius (2013) Prismodeller som strategiskt verktyg. In Bonnier Ledarskapshandböcker: Ekonomistyrning, 3:7. Stockholm: Bonnier.

MOOCs and other online educational resources

Alf Westelius and Erik Lundmark (2013) MOOCs and other online educational resources – Remodelling education and training? EGOS – European Group for Organizational Studies 2013, Montréal, Sub-theme 55: Bridging the Real and the Virtual in a Digital World. July 4-6, 2013.

@ the emotional edge

Martin Svensson & Alf Westelius (2013) @ the emotional edge: When enough is enough in e-mail communication. In Wilfred Zerbe, Neal Ashkanasy & Charmine Härtel (Eds.) Individual Sources, Dynamics, and Expressions of Emotion (Research on emotions in organizations, vol 9), pp. 309-342. ISSN: 1746-9791.