Alf Westelius (2011) Management control – increasingly a case of e-learning? Presented in track 05: Management, information and technology, at the 21st Nordic Academy of Management conference NFF 2011 : a practice about practice, 20-24 August 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.
Författare: Westelius
Open and closed technology and collaboration
Alf Westelius (2011) Open and closed technology and collaboration. Presented in track 25:Managing the interactive organization at the 21st Nordic Academy of Management conference NFF 2011 : a practice about practice, 20-24 August 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.
Från ”enhetliga principer” till ekologier
Alf Westelius (2011) Från ”enhetliga principer” till ekologier – om principer för prissättning utifrån exemplet telekom. Presented at Nordisk workshop XIV i ekonomi- och verksamhetsstyrning, 3-4 februari 2011, Skövde.
The connected enterprise – who is in charge?
Alf Westelius (2011) The connected enterprise – who is in charge? The Swedish Sports example. In Proceedings of PTC’11, Connecting life 24/7, 16-19 January 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Prismodeller – en taxonomi
Alf Westelius, Carl-Johan Petri, Mathias Cöster, Fredrik Nilsson, Nils-Göran Olve (2010) Prismodeller – en taxonomi. Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift, 2010:3, 175-190.
Kommunikationsteknikens utmaningar för ideell sektor
Alf Westelius (2010) Kommunikationsteknikens utmaningar för ideell sektor. Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift, 2010:2, 115-125.
ICT and the changing civil society
Alf Westelius (2010) ICT and the changing civil society. In Proceedings of PTC’10, Embracing the cloud: enabling connectivity and innovation, 17-20 January 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Energy Counselling and Modern IT
Alf Westelius (2009) Energy Counselling and Modern IT – Drawing on Web 2.0 for a Greener World. Communications & Strategies, No. 76, 4th quarter 2009, pp. 97-118.
Academic reading – att använda forskningsartiklar som kurslitteratur
Alf Westelius (2009) Academic reading – att använda forskningsartiklar som kurslitteratur. Presented at Företagsekonomisk ämneskonferens 2009, Företagsekonomin i samhället: forskning, utbildning och relevans. Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, 11-12 November 2009.
The business logic and enterprise systems ventures
Alf Westelius (2009) The business logic and enterprise systems ventures – the enterprise system as a political tool. 23rd Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM 2009), Melbourne 2-4 December 2009