Fredrik Nilsson, Carl-Johan Petri & Alf Westelius (Eds.) (2016) Strategic management control: with focus on dialogue. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Månad: januari 2017
Att måla upp den relevanta organisationen
Alf Westelius & Johnny Lind (2016) Att måla upp den relevanta organisationen. In: Strategisk ekonomistyrning: med dialog i fokus, Fredrik Nilsson, Carl-Johan Petri, Alf Westelius (Red.) Lund: Studentlitteratur, 63-86.
MOOCs and other online educational resources
Alf Westelius and Erik Lundmark (2013) MOOCs and other online educational resources – Remodelling education and training? EGOS – European Group for Organizational Studies 2013, Montréal, Sub-theme 55: Bridging the Real and the Virtual in a Digital World. July 4-6, 2013.
Management control – increasingly a case of e-learning
Alf Westelius (2013) Management control – increasingly a case of e-learning. 18e nordisk workshop i ekonomi- och verksamhetsstyrning, Örebro, 31 jan – 1 feb 2013.
@ the emotional edge
Martin Svensson & Alf Westelius (2013) @ the emotional edge: When enough is enough in e-mail communication. In Wilfred Zerbe, Neal Ashkanasy & Charmine Härtel (Eds.) Individual Sources, Dynamics, and Expressions of Emotion (Research on emotions in organizations, vol 9), pp. 309-342. ISSN: 1746-9791.
Meaning, Authority, Rationality and Care as MARCs of sustainable organisations
Alf Westelius, Tomas Brytting & Ann-Sofie Westelius (2013) Meaning, Authority, Rationality and Care as MARCs of sustainable organisations. Cross Cultural Management: an International Journal, 20(2): 161 – 185. In special issue on The shift from human capital to human being: developing partnership and care in the era of embedded global economy.
Gamification – a promising avenue for education
Alf Westelius (2013) Gamification – a promising avenue for education: the Minecraft ecology case. Mercury, 1:3, 34-39. In special issue on the transformation of education: ”The future of education under construction”.
Are you truly capturing the potential of e-learning in your organisation?
Alf Westelius (2013) Are you truly capturing the potential of e-learning in your organisation? Mercury, 1:3, 28-33. In special issue on the transformation of education: ”The future of education under construction”.
Entrepreneurship as Elixir and Mutagen
Erik Lundmark and Alf Westelius (2014) Entrepreneurship as Elixir and Mutagen. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 38:3, 575-600.
Beyond a common title
Malin Granath and Alf Westelius (2012) Beyond a common title: the formation of a professional identity among energy advisers. Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting, 16:3, 210 – 234.