Exploring entrepreneurship as misbehaviour

Erik Lundmark and Alf Westelius (2012) Exploring entrepreneurship as misbehaviour. In special issue Rethinking Misbehavior and Resistance in Organizations, Lucy Taksa & Alison Barnes (eds.) Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, Vol. 19, 209 – 235, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, ISSN: 0742-6186.

Received the Emerald Outstanding Author Contribution 2013 Award for Excellence

How to differentiate by price

Einar Iveroth, Alf Westelius, Carl-Johan Petri, Nils-Göran Olve, Mathias Cöster & Fredrik Nilsson (2013) How to differentiate by price: Proposal for a five-dimensional model, European Management Journal, 31:2, pp 109-123. (Available online 1 August 2012,)

Price as an integrated part of the business model

Petri, Carl-Johan; Westelius, Alf; Olve, Nils-Göran; Olsson, Johan (2012) Price as an integrated part of the business model – exploring the link between business ecologies, strategies and pricing, The XVII Nordic Workshop on management control, Uppsala, 2-3 Feb 2012.

Backbone or Helping Hand?

Cecilia Gullberg and Alf Westelius (2011) Backbone or Helping Hand? On the Role of Information Systems and Non-systematic Information in Managers’ Work. Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, Volume 14, 139-160.

Information systems are often described as horizont al integrators, supporting and integrating core processes and providing vast amounts of real-time data in organisations. However, previous research indicates that managers use an “information mosaic” – a variety of pieces of information and information sources, rather than one centrally planned and unified information system – to control their work. In this paper, we explore recurring work activities among a number of managers with different responsibilities and the use of information associated with these activities. The purpose is to put the formal computerised information system into the context of the information mosaic, thereby providing insight into how formal information systems support and do not support these managers’ work. Personnel responsibility is a uniting factor in the way these managers handle information and is an area where information systems seem to mainly support minor activities. Furthermore, the use of formal and in formal information sources appears to be intertwined. The main contribution of this paper lies in charting managerial information behaviour in the light of technological development.

Keywords: information use, information sources, managerial work, management information


Open and closed technology and collaboration

Alf Westelius (2011) Open and closed technology and collaboration. Presented in track 25:Managing the interactive organization at the 21st Nordic Academy of Management conference NFF 2011 : a practice about practice, 20-24 August 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.