Alf Westelius, Projektmetaforer och myten om vikten av hastighet, 16th Nordic Conference on Business Studies, Scandinavian Academy of Management, 2001, Uppsala August 2001
Etikett: Projektledning
Perspectives Management: An Essential Task In Projects
Alf Westelius, Perspectives Management: An Essential Task In Projects, Proceedings from the third international conference of the International Research Network on Organizing by Projects, University of Calgary, 1998
Perspectives Management – en syn på projektledning
Alf Westelius, Perspectives Management – en syn på projektledning, in Att föra verksamheten framåt, Lundeberg & Sundgren (Eds.) Studentlitteratur 1996; Also available in English, Perspectives Management – an approach to project management, in Advancing Your Business – People and Information Systems in Concert
A study of patterns of communication in management accounting and control projects
Alf Westelius (1996) A study of patterns of communication in management accounting and control projects, EFI