Alf Westelius and Linda Askenäs, Getting to know your job, 16th Nordic Conference on Business Studies, Scandinavian Academy of Management, 2001, Uppsala August 2001
Author: Westelius
Reactions to the role of IT in organising
Linda Askenäs and Alf Westelius, Reactions to the role of IT in organising, 16th Nordic Conference on Business Studies, Scandinavian Academy of Management, 2001, Uppsala August 2001
Listening, Leading, Learning – on classical music and business
Alf Westelius, Listening, Leading, Learning – on classical music and business, Reflections – the SoL Journal on Knowledge, Learning and Change; MIT Press – in the theme issue 2:4 on the role of arts in business, 2001
Five Roles of an Information System
Linda Askenäs and Alf Westelius, Five Roles of an Information System: a Social Constructionist Approach to Analysing the Use of ERP Systems, ICIS 2000 Proceedings, The 21st International Conference on Information Systems, Brisbane, Dec 2000
Five roles of IT
Alf Westelius and Linda Askenäs, Five roles of IT: implications for regional development, in proceedings from 2000 and Beyond? Teleworking and the Future of (Tele)work, Stockholm, 2000. (NUTEK’s Prize for best research paper within the theme “Telework in small and medium sized enterprises”) Also published in Linda Askenäs, The roles of IT : studies of organising when implementing and using enterprise systems. Linköping studies in science and technology Dissertations, Dissertation No. 870, Linköping, 2004
Perspectives Management: An Essential Task In Projects
Alf Westelius, Perspectives Management: An Essential Task In Projects, Proceedings from the third international conference of the International Research Network on Organizing by Projects, University of Calgary, 1998
A study of patterns of communication in management accounting and control projects
Alf Westelius (1996) A study of patterns of communication in management accounting and control projects, EFI
Coaching Change Processes
Alf Westelius, Coaching Change Processes: a systems approach, Proceedings from the International Academy for Information Management, 1993
Manager’s attitudes
Nils-Göran Olve, Alf Westelius and Ann-Sofie Westelius, Manager’s attitudes – a comparison between Sweden and China, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 4:1-2, pp. 63-75, 1988