I am an active cello player.
Here, I play Den signade dag (This blessed day) by Erik Hermansson.
I am a member of the boards of the following organisations:
Nacka Kammarorkester, Nacka Chamber Orchestra
Nacka Chamber Orchestra gives public performances a number of times a year. It was founded by Violinist Inge Boström and is based in Nacka (a suburb of Stockholm).
Here, we play Dalasvit by Lille Bror Söderlund.
And here, Crisantemi by Puccini.
Here, String quartet No. 3 by Erik Hermansson.
Here, String trio Op. 133 by Erkki Melartin.
Here, The Seven Last Words of Our Saviour on the Cross by Haydn.
Musikföreningen i Stockholm, The Stockholm Music society
Musikföreningen i Stockholm was founded in 1880 in order to provide Stockholm with a symphonic choir. It was reorganised in 1928 into a foundation giving stipends to Swedish composers of choir music.
Musikaliska Konstföreningen; The Swedish Art Music Society
Musikaliska Konstföreningen is a non-profit organisation, since 1859 publishing Swedish classical music of high artistic quality. Each year, one or two compositions are selected for publication. It is often contemporary music, but can also be masterpieces from the 19th and 20th century that have remained unpublished. For more information (in Swedish), see the Musikaliska Konstföreningen web pages.
Mazerska Kvartettsällskapet; The Mazer Quartet Society
Founded in 1848, the Mazer Quartet Society is a meetingplace for professional and amateur musicians with love for chamber music, especially string quartets. For a hundred and fifty years people have met and played together, and for each other, once a week. Mazer quartet society homepage