Cecilia Gullberg & Alf Westelius (2015) Recognising good performance: on formal and informal standards. NFF 2015: 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference, 12-14 August 2015, Track 11: Sustainability and scalability of business models and dimensions of pricing.
Tag: Competence
Education and competence
Alf Westelius & Erik Lundmark (2013) Education and competence – an edge in transition? ANZAM 2013 – 27th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Theme: Managing on the Edge, Hobart, Tasmania, 4-6 December 2013.
MOOCs and other online educational resources
Alf Westelius and Erik Lundmark (2013) MOOCs and other online educational resources – Remodelling education and training? EGOS – European Group for Organizational Studies 2013, Montréal, Sub-theme 55: Bridging the Real and the Virtual in a Digital World. July 4-6, 2013.
Beyond a common title
Malin Granath and Alf Westelius (2012) Beyond a common title: the formation of a professional identity among energy advisers. Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting, 16:3, 210 – 234.
Energy Counselling and Modern IT
Alf Westelius (2009) Energy Counselling and Modern IT – Drawing on Web 2.0 for a Greener World. Communications & Strategies, No. 76, 4th quarter 2009, pp. 97-118.
Getting to know your job – a social actor perspective on using information technology
Alf Westelius and Linda Askenäs, Getting to know your job – a social actor perspective on using information technology, Information Technology Journal, 3(3) 227-239, 2004.
Getting to know your job
Alf Westelius and Linda Askenäs, Getting to know your job, 16th Nordic Conference on Business Studies, Scandinavian Academy of Management, 2001, Uppsala August 2001
Listening, Leading, Learning – on classical music and business
Alf Westelius, Listening, Leading, Learning – on classical music and business, Reflections – the SoL Journal on Knowledge, Learning and Change; MIT Press – in the theme issue 2:4 on the role of arts in business, 2001
Coaching Change Processes
Alf Westelius, Coaching Change Processes: a systems approach, Proceedings from the International Academy for Information Management, 1993