Mats Edenius and Alf Westelius, E-service and Knowledge Formation: the Use of a Web-based E-Messaging System in HealthCare. Chapter 1 in Managing Customer Relationships on the Internet, Angelika Lindstrand, Jan Johanson, Dharma Sharma (Eds.), Elsevier, 2006, ISBN: 0-08-044124-6 A manuscript version
Etikett: Perspectives Management
The Midas Touch in Knowledge Management Projects
Alf Westelius and Pär Mårtensson, The Midas Touch in Knowledge Management Projects – Beware, Your Wish Could Come True, The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 2(2) 35-44, 2004, available online at
Knowledge Management and King Midas
Alf Westelius and Pär Mårtensson, Knowledge Management and King Midas – Beware, Your Wish Could Come True, in proceedings from ECKM 2004: The 5th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers (CNAM), Paris, France, 30 September – 1 October 2004
Perspectives Management: An Essential Task In Projects
Alf Westelius, Perspectives Management: An Essential Task In Projects, Proceedings from the third international conference of the International Research Network on Organizing by Projects, University of Calgary, 1998
Perspectives Management – en syn på projektledning
Alf Westelius, Perspectives Management – en syn på projektledning, in Att föra verksamheten framåt, Lundeberg & Sundgren (Eds.) Studentlitteratur 1996; Also available in English, Perspectives Management – an approach to project management, in Advancing Your Business – People and Information Systems in Concert
A study of patterns of communication in management accounting and control projects
Alf Westelius (1996) A study of patterns of communication in management accounting and control projects, EFI